Philip Glasss', Silencio and Martin Creed's Turner Prize winning, Work No. 277, The lights going on and off have in common the heightened sense of awareness they give to the listener/viewer or participant in the work. In the absence of 'something' to listen to or look at, one looks around the space they occupy in a new way or, in the case of Silencio, listens to the unpredicatable symphony of sounds that exist already.
I like this idea, the idea that there doesn't need to be anything (loosley speaking) to make something happen in the mind of the participant. Although in both cases, something does exist; the CD or the lights going on and off, there is no 'work', in traditional terms.
This project has heightened my awareness of my everyday surroundings and made me look at the place where I come to work and learn through wider and more aware eyes. I would be interested in capturing something of the essence of Creed and Glass' work in the work I produce.
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