Essence, athmosphere, ether. Buy some air from Mecca. Grass from Celtic Park. Holy Water from Lourdes. A chunk of the Berlin Wall. A bit of Mackintosh to take home - a minature chair, a necklace.... or just walk about and inhale the place.
I once went to the Louvre and it seemed that most people were more interested in taking home a photograph of the Mona Lisa than actually looking at her.
You can buy a new face in a bottle, knock off 20 years, or a new lifestyle in a sofa, it'll change everything, you'll be much thinner when you lie on it .... and your adoring husband, will, of course, be buff with chiselled cheek bones.
Theres a book called "The Value of THINGS" by Neil Cummings and Marysia Lewandowska in the library. It may be of interest to u.