Man can never be purely rational because man is an animal. Is this the way man will end up should he attempt to become a purlely logical being, such as the Houyhnhnms This seems to be the point that Swift is trying to make. Although Gulliver so admires them, Swift does not mean us to take this admiration seriously. Once Gullivar leaves the island, he is disdainful towards the rest of his race who he sees as vulgar Yahoos. The fact that these creatures are horses, not humans, symbolizes how Swift believes that no humans can be so perfect. Their lack of strong feelings can be understood through their attitude to their offspring; "They have no fondness for their Colts or Foles, but the Care they take in educating them proceeds from the dictates of "Reason". Being face to face with man in his animal form (the Yahoos) further propels Gulliver into his futile effort to be completely reasonable and logical eventually leading to his insanity. Don Pedro treats Gulliver with nothing but kindness and affection, and yet Gulliver repays him with disgust. " This admiration grows and grows until he quickly comes to believe that these creatures are perfect in every way possible. His new attitude towards his fellow man is displayed in his treatment of Don Pedro. Mates are selected based on their coloring, and to produce offspring that will enhance the species as a whole. Indeed, Love plays no part in even the institution of matrimony. The extent to which Gulliver worships these creatures is further delineated by his self-loathing; "When I happened to behold my Reflection of my own form in a lake or a Fountain, I turned away my face in Horror and Detestation of myself. Gulliver can be looked upon as a human, trying (in an effort to escape his animal tendencies) to become supremely rational which is a futile effort.
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